The Project Leader

My main research interests are in Astrophysics (AGN and Stellar Jets, Cosmology) and Atomic Physics (Clusters, atomic aggregates). I am currently employed as CS III (Scientific Researcher III) by the University of Bucharest, within the Research Centre for Atomic Physics and Astrophysics.

Beginning November 2005 I have obtained an European Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher grant, for three years, in Astrophysics (YSO jets) at the University of Turin, in the European project JETSET (JET Simulations, Experiments and Theory). You can find a summary of the research topics of the project at this link.

Stellar Jets

This was the main subject of my PhD research.
A computer simulation code called Pluto, developed by the Torino Astrophysics group, was used to simulate as accurate as possible the observed structures.
The code was upgraded in order to obtain better MHD approaches and better line emission estimates (in this second part I was actively involved).

AGN Jets

Jets are a common phenomenon in the Universe. AGN jets are the most powerful manifestation of it. They are in fact what we see as the extragalactic extended radio sources.
The main emission mechanism being the synchrotron radiation, the emission lines are totally absent, so the diagnosis of such structures is particularly difficult.
During my BSc thesis work, I have investigated by numerical simulations the development of a special class of radio sources - the X-shaped sorces. This means that instead of the classic image of a pair of jets departing from a central area, we have two pairs of jets - with variable angles between them.

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Research Centre for
Atomic Physics and Astrophysics

University of Bucharest

International Year of
Astronomy 2009